Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Tarragona is a city in southern Catalonia, capital of the region of Tarragona, capital of the province of Tarragona. The Romans made the capital of Tarragona province, why still significant archaeological remains from this period have been declared World Heritage by UNESCO.

The most interestings places in Tarragona are:
-Tarraco archaeological
-The cathedral
-Rambla Nova
-Balcó del Mediterrani
-Portal de Sant Antoni
-Plaça de la font
-Plaça de la Imperial Tarraco
-The central market
-The port
-The house party

Beaches Tarragona
-Mora beach
-Roques Planes beach
-Fonda o Waikiki beach
-Llarga beach

-Capellans beach or Romana cove
-Savinosa beach
-Arrabassada beach
-Tamarit beach
-Tobera or Castell cove
-Miracle beach

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