Tuesday, January 19, 2010


In Tarragonés there are a lot of monuments but we are going to describe two.

The amphitheatre is the building of shows for excellence, used by the fights of gladiators and did. It built to the century II dC thanks to the funding of a priest . The sand has some dimensions of 109,5 m the greater axis and 86,8 the minor, supposes him a capacity of some 14.000 viewers.

·Roman circus:
The circus was where celebrated the races of carros. The roman circus of Tàrraco built to finals of the century And dC. It was a building of shows very preuat in the world roman, a lot amateur to the sportive and social events.Was in fine operation at least the century V. Then his turns began to take advantage of like houses, although perhaps l’sand continued working as a building lúdic.

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